Monday, November 30, 2009

Singing and Dancing

Claire has discovered the joy of Christmas carols! She requests her special "Santa mugit" (that's music) every time we get in the car now. Her favorite songs are "Rudolph" and "The 12 Days of Christmas" (or, "that ring song"). She's having a bit of a problem getting the words right, though. Everything questionable seems to sound like "dog" to her. For example, did you know that the true love actually brings two turtle dogs? She's also somehow added the furry animal into "Oh, Christmas Tree", although I still can't quite figure out how. And she came up with a new carol last night while she was lying in bed--who knew it was Frosty the Snowman's birthday?

C's also gotten serious with the dancing. She performs all sorts of dance routines to any sort of music that happens to be playing, including the various rings on Daddy's phone. Her favorite ballerina song, though, is "Twinkle, Twinkle" from our Wiggles DVD. And for the last 2 straight days she's insisted on wearing her special ballerina princess dress from Nathan. She even went to HEB in it yesterday, complete with a fuzzy purple crown on her head, pink purse, and wand. Unfortunately, while she was taking pictures of our Christmas tree the other day, she dropped our camera and now it won't turn on, so I have no pictures of the cuteness. Hopefully she'll still be in the mood to perform once we have the new one.


Lauren McCarthy said...

Oh no! Did you get the Thanksgiving photos off of it??

J,K&C said...

Yes, thank goodness. I'll post those soon.

Kellie said...

Oh man! I want to see this cuteness!!! I love it.