Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tiny Dancer

Claire had her first dance class today at The Little Gym! She was a bit hesitant to go, but the promise of a McDonald's ice cream cone afterward got her in the car. We got there about 10 minutes before the class started, which is exactly when the boys' gymnastics class was ending. The little waiting area was seriously chaotic, and she was really starting to panic. Once the boys left, though, things got a lot better. She very willingly put on her tap shoes, stowed the ballet shoes in her special cubby, and got started. It was so cute to watch her and the other ballerinas in the class! I'll take the camera next week and get some action shots. They spent 15 minutes with tap, 15 minutes with ballet, and 30 minutes in the gym playing with the parachute, walking on the balance beam and swinging on the bars. She had a blast! The first thing she said to me when the class was over was "I want to keep dancing!" and then started to cry because she was so sad to leave! When we got home she showed me some of the poses the practiced today and actually let me take her picture!


Kellie said...

This made me say AWWWWWWWWWWWWW out loud! I kid you not! She is soooo adorable in her outfit! I can't wait to see action pictures

Reese&Saige said...

So cute! Reese isn't as enthusiastic about her ballet class LOL!