Thursday, December 10, 2009

Manning the Ship

Good morning, and happy eventual birthday to the little girl who does not yet have a name. This is Lauren, and I have now taken over blogging responsibilites and will keep you all up to date as events progress today.

I had a dream last night that Meredith kept calling me - how she got my new phone number, I have no idea - but she was wanting baby updates. I guess that was I sign that I needed to update you all!

As you have read, K&J went to the hospital last night to get things started. They were supposed to start administering the pitocin at 6:00 this morning, and when her doctor arrives - around 8:30 - she will gauge where things are. Seeing as that is in seven minutes from right now, I'm hoping to have another update soon.

Claire spent the night with Honey & H last night, and Honey is going to be taking her to school today, and I think Aunt Jamey will be picking her up. Claire will be spending the night with them (and me!) the next few nights.

If you would like me to send you a text when we know her name, send me an email with your phone number:


simpsontwins said...

Muahaha! I have powers you didn't know about! :)