Monday, December 14, 2009

Pictures!--Hospital and going home

Here are a bunch of pictures of our time in the hospital and Claire meeting Madeleine.....

Wednesday night, getting things going

After 11 hours of labor and only 20 seconds of pushing, Madeleine's here!

Four generations. We were so happy J's grandparents decided to stay in town a few extra days.

Aunt Lou flew in on Friday morning and came straight to the hospital.

Katie came for a visit on our never-ending Saturday.

Ready to go home!

Finally home!

Isn't this picture so sweet??


Kellie said...

absolutely beautiful! I love Claire and Madeline . So stinking adorable. She is going to be a great big sis. I really the family picture at the bottom. That is the one that got me :)

Erica said...

OH I AM SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU. What a beeeeeeautiful family. And quite the Christmas gift for Claire!!!!!

Brooke said...

So excited for all of you! What a beautiful family! I can't wait to come see all of you!

Annie said...

Katherine, you have a beautiful family!