Monday, March 31, 2008

Big Girl

Claire decided about a month ago that cribs are for babies, so she's been sleeping on our bed, and Jason and I had moved into the guest room. We had a free weekend and used the extra time to reclaim our space and turn Claire's room into a Big Girl room. She helped pick out her new Big Girl sheets and was soooooo excited about the new Big Girl bed that moved into her room.

Taking apart the crib--kind of a bittersweet moment.

I'm a Big Girl!

Jumping....How many years of that is to come???

Checking out her sheets. (Those are pool noodles on either side of the mattress to keep her from rolling off in the middle of the night--so far, so good!)


Anonymous said...

Oh wow she IS big girl now! Sigh...

Erica said...

What a big girl!!!!!!!