Monday, June 16, 2008

The New Member of the Family

Yep, Claire's daddy is most definitely a dork (although this is not a surprise to most of us). He picked up his Smart Car on Saturday.

But, hey, it's only going to cost us 30 bucks a week on gas!


Lauren said...

I love it! I miniature car for a miniature person!

Erica said...

hehheee....I love it! Not "love it" like I want Trav to drive one, but you know! haha.

J,K&C said...

Haha, yeah, I don't think Travis is the smart car type. You, however, would look awfully cute in one!

Kellie said...

I didnt know he alreay got it! I love it . Kyle has kept an eye out since telling him Jason was getting one and he has seen several on the road. I am pretty sure it is the next Porshe! Super Cool. I want one.

J,K&C said...

My dad is referring to it as "the car of the future". hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Omigosh, I shouldn't be surprised, but it's just so Jason. It is cute, though. From the looks of it, Claire has her eyes on it as her first car, watch out!! (She does look cuter at the wheel!)

J,K&C said...

Claire loves it. Wouldn't that be cute if Jason and Claire had matching father-daughter Smarts one day? They could even park in the same parking space!