Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Incident

A little background:

1. I've been teaching Claire how to use glue and scissors for the last couple of weeks.

2. We've been reading a lot of "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" (more on that later), and one of Claire's favorite parts is when the mouse gives himself a haircut.

We found a great anthology of the "If You Give..." books at Barnes and Noble that comes with a CD with all the stories read aloud, plus songs and other fun things. So while I write on the computer in my temporary office, the dining room, Little Miss Independent likes to listen to the CD in the den, which is on the opposite side of the house, completely out of eyeshot for me. She sits there nicely with her book, not necessarily following along while it's read, but still looking at the pictures. And I can hear her being her busy little two-year-old self, moving around every now and then. But all of a sudden, it got very, very quiet. Which should have told me that something was amiss. But, I was on a roll, and I honestly didn't want to walk over there to investigate, thinking at the time "what's the worst that could happen?" After a few more minutes of this exceptional silence, I decided to take a peak. And this is what I saw (take note of what's in Claire's hands):

Claire somehow knew where I hide the scissors in the kitchen, pushed her little stool over as stealthily as possible, and took them. And then she somehow talked Titania into sitting with her and getting a hair cut. Luckily Claire didn't think about her own hair, but poor Titania has chunks missing all over her back.

So the scissors have been moved (again). And I think the CD player is going to move into the dining room.


Kellie said...

I am laughing so hard at this! I had to read it twice! ha ha ha ha . I love her face. OH Claire!!!!!

Reese&Saige said...

That poor cat is lucky isn't not missing an ear!! LOL!! That is sooooooooo funny! I thought for sure she was going to have bangs or something. Shes a doll!

Erica said...

heheheeeeeee.....Funny Girl!!!!

Lauren McCarthy said...

The look on her face is priceless! She knows she's been busted!