Sunday, January 10, 2010

Madeleine is One Month Old!

It's hard to believe a full month has passed since Madeleine was born. She's such a sweet, laid-back baby, and has very easily joined in the hustle and bustle that is typical of our family. During her first month, Madeleine has watched Big Sister at her Christmas program, had her first road trip to the ranch, been to numerous restaurants, learned to love Target as much as her mommy and sister do, and enjoyed lots and lots of love and kisses from lots and lots of family.
Madeleine has also been growing and growing. She's already gained around two pounds during the last month, putting her at about 8 1/3 lbs. She's about to be too big for the newborn-sized clothes, and as soon as we're out of the newborn-sized diapers we'll move her up to size 1. Baby acne has been in full force for the last couple weeks, but hopefully it will start clearing up soon. She also seems to have some allergies that make breathing at night difficult for her. It doesn't seem to bother her, but she wakes up with a crusty nose and a goopy eye every morning. She still has a head full of light brown/reddish hair that gets a bit of a curl to it when it gets wet.
M's still sleeping in our room, in either her Amby bed or just in bed with us. She's a great sleeper, though, and we're going to move her into her own room soon. She only wakes up to eat, then happily goes back to sleep or just lies in bed looking around. She's going 4 or 4 1/2 hours at night between feedings and 3 hours on the dot during the day. Crying isn't typical from her unless she's getting a diaper changed or the car stops moving for too long.
One of Madeleine's favorite things is to watch Big Sister. Every morning M sits in the bouncy seat in the living room while C eats breakfast and entertains her. She's not a huge fan of the swing yet, but we're working on it. And Claire seems to have happily accepted Madeleine as a part of our family. She tries to calm her down when she starts crying in the car and is a great helper around the house. One of the most common sentences she says now is, "I love my little sister." We all definitely agree with her!


Reese&Saige said...

Very sweet Katherine! You lucked out with that sleep schedule huh?

J,K&C said...

No kidding--I just hope it lasts....