We went camping with some good friends from Houston over the last weekend of April. I was a bit leery of how camping for the first time with Claire and Madeleine would go, but I really couldn't have been more pleased. We originally thought renting a cabin at Bastrop State Park would be the best route, but those were all taken, so we went to Plan B: tent camping at our ranch out near Austin. There's a little old hunting cabin out there with a bathroom, and if things were horrible, we could always go stay at my grandparents' house.
Our family got out Friday afternoon and set up camp. Claire had fun running around the "yard", and Madeleine was the first to try out the tent as soon as it was set up. Then we headed over to the big house for dinner with the grandparents. Amy, BJ, and Hogan arrived later that evening, and we set to work making smores. Much to the Mommies' pleasure, Claire and Hogan liked roasting marshmallows but not eating them. Yum! As we were all enjoying the cool weather and company, the sky began to fall, so we hurried into the cabin and set up camp for the night in there. I didn't realize 7 people and a dog could sleep in little more space than 2 double beds!
We woke up to a beautiful day Saturday morning. Hogan and Claire helped Daddy make bacon and eggs for breakfast, then we broke out the fishing poles! The daddies worked and worked to get the poles ready for the kids, then worked and worked to try teaching them how to cast and reel. It was very cute, but I think a bit frustrating for everybody. We played with those all morning, then settled down a bit a lunch time for a movie and a nap. When everybody woke up, we headed over to the big house for appetizers and drinks and more fishing! There were actually fish in this pond, but, *unfortunately*, we didn't have hooks. We went back to the ranch for burgers, hotdogs, and smores, and a wonderfully cool and clear evening. We tried tents for Saturday night, and the moon was so bright it felt like a light was turned on inside.
Sunday breakfast was pancakes, then we cleaned up and packed the cars to head home. We can't wait for the weather to get cooler in the fall so we can all go back again!

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