Sunday, October 31, 2010


Claire was lucky enough to have two different costumes this year. She was Sleeping Beauty for her school party, then transformed into a pink kitty for trick or treating.

C's school has a Halloween parade around the gym so everybody can see everyone else's costume. Last year, C wanted nothing to do with dressing up, and seeing some of the other teachers dressed up scared her. This year was different. She thought for weeks about which costume she should wear, finally deciding on Sleeping Beauty. She was so excited the morning of the parade and could not wait to get to school. Madeleine and I arrived just in time to get a front-row spot just as the parade started. And, to C's surprise, Daddy showed up right as she was walking in front of us! After the parade, the kids headed back to their classrooms for a pizza party and cupcakes. Even Madeleine joined in to eat, but all the costumes kept her firmly seated in her stroller.

Next up was the night C had been waiting for - time to trick or treat! She watched out the front window for most of the afternoon, looking for any early birds. Finally, it was time to head out. The girls put on their costumes - C as a pink kitty, M as a black one - and away we went. We only did our street, but C had a great time. She's already planning what she wants to be next year - a Super Kitty, whatever that means.