Thanks to Miss Magoo's mandatory monthly updates, we're back on the blogging train. Be expecting lots of pictures (as well as a status update on our move) soon.....
But, in the meantime, happy eleven months, Miss Madeleine! You are becoming quite a big girl!
*are all leg - 9 month shirts and 12 month pants are your current sizes.
*still fit into a size 3 diaper.
*crawl at super-sonic speeds.
*stand for a good bit of time all on your own.
*have taken single steps here and there for the last couple of weeks, and yesterday, you took two!
*started a Little Gym class and love it.
*can say "Hi, Daddy" and wave.
*call Claire "Claaaaaah", and Mommy "mamamam".
*still say "num num" for food.
*love to clap and say "yaaaaaah!" when things get exciting.
*use a separate, sing-songy voice when you talk to the pets.
*are very curious. Nothing can be left undiscovered and put together nicely.
*can go up stairs very well, but going down is another story. You're slowly figuring it out, and at least you've stopped taking headers.
*have figured out that certain things are off-limits, like the electrical outlets. When you get close to one, and I tell you to stop, you turn around and flash me the most ridiculously cute smile. And then you proceed to keep going.
*definitely have opinions, and this face is one we see a lot now:*are really not that into your happy (our word for pacifiers). You will use one only if you are really tired, but otherwise, you'd rather be eating.
*have discovered that Yoplait Greek yogurt is delicious. As well as Chick fil A (oh, how standards change for second-borns!)
*are so sweet and love to put on a show for an audience.
And, now the reason you visited in the first place - pictures!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Madeleine is Eleven Months Old!
Posted by J,K&C at 12:37 PM
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