Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The other 20 percent

So way back during our first ultrasound, the baby was lying funny, but the tech was pretty certain this was yet another little girl - 80 percent, she told us. Well, turns out she was 100 percent wrong! We had another ultrasound today, and, no doubt about it this time, this is a BOY! We are shocked and excited, again. (This child sure does have it out for us.) We were afraid of telling Claire, who had proclaimed this baby a girl with the name of Cinderella a long, long time ago, but she took the news surprisingly well. She decided that Cinderella would be a silly name for a boy, so she's now on the lookout for a new name. As are we - looks like there will be no Beatrice or Camille joining us just before Christmas.

Wow, a BOY! Time to shop!!!!


Lisa said...

Yay for a boy. You have plenty of girls already. :)