Friday, November 7, 2008


Claire has made HUGE improvements with her communication lately!! Here are a few examples:

1. She can write! After I write her name on a piece of paper, Claire takes the crayon and "writes" her name. She'll even say letters as she makes the marks. Her letters now are just vertical lines, but she already knows that they go in a certain order and from left to right! This is more advanced than a bunch of my 4-year olds!

2. She can tell me the names and make the sounds of just about every letter in the alphabet!

3. She counted all the way to 7 today! Marie took her to the park, and she used her finger to point to pieces of mulch and count them one by one. I've only heard her go to 3 before, so this is big jump.

Yay Claire!


Lauren said...

Yay, Claire! Keep counting, little one!

Kellie said...

She she was totally playing a joke on you guys! GOtcha! ha ha ha. I am pretty sure Claire is smarter than me! :) I sometimes have trouble with my name. ah ah ah.