Monday, March 2, 2009

Morning Person

The last 2 mornings Claire has woken up in a wonderful mood. Yesterday she came into our room and starting poking me, saying "Cake up, MOM, cake up!!" And this morning, as soon as she woke up, she started reciting a knock-knock joke that she made up. It went like this: "Knock-knock. Who theeeeerrrre? Honey Gram. Honey Gram who? Honey Gram." It's so cute to listen to her endlessly chattering away now, and it's hard to believe she ever had an issue with her speech.


Lauren said...

So is she calling M "Honey Gram" now instead of just "Honey?" Or is she referring to the sweet cracker? (And by sweet cracker, no, I don't mean Mom!!)

J,K&C said...

I think she's talking about the cracker. I haven't heard her call M "Honey Gram", although that doesn't mean a thing. Whenever they're playing and I get too close, C holds her hand up like "stop" and says "no Mommy!"

Nicholas and Zachary said...

Hahahaha!!! I love Lauren's comment!!! :o) Sweet cracker. :o) That's so cute that Claire is telling "Knock, Knock" jokes!!! :o)