Thursday, March 12, 2009

Our whirl-wind trip to Houston, KELLIE :)

We had a great time last week visiting all of our friends in Houston! We played with Emma, caught up with Mommy's teacher friends, visited Houston's new park-Discovery Green-with the group, saw Mrs. Marie (Claire's nanny from when I worked in the fall), and even visited Mommy's old school and saw her kids. The highlight of the trip, though, was getting to meet the newest addition to the playgroup--Nathan's baby brother Nolan! He's so cute and cuddly, and he was so nice to let me snuggle with him for awhile at the park. Sigh.... We had a great little vacation that definitely helped pass the time while Daddy was away. I didn't take many pictures, but here are a few from Discovery Green:

I don't know what they're doing, but they sure had fun.

Brady, Nathan, and Claire on the slide.

Cash and Saige watching the big kids

Cash is walking!!

And they all fall DOWN!


Kellie said...

Oh yay!!!!! We miss you guys already :( I am super sad you are gone, especially now!!!! :(