Friday, October 23, 2009

Baby Bits

We had another ultrasound yesterday, and everything is still looking great. Baby Girl is still measuring right on track, with the exception of her head, which is a whole week ahead. Yay.... (Maybe that explains how I gained 3 POUNDS in the last week????) She was lying sideways again with her feet up at her forehead, and we even got to see her stick out her tongue!

Starting next week I'll go for a biophysical profile and a non-stress test every week until she's born. This officially means we're in the last stretch! It also means we need to get serious about finishing her bedroom. Hopefully that will happen this weekend.

The gestational diabetes finally got the best of me, and I've been having to give myself 4 injections of insulin a day. Jason had to give me the first one because I'm a big wimp, but it's not a big deal at all anymore.

This little girl is quite the mover and shaker! She moves so much more than Claire and gives us a show of knees and elbows every evening before going to sleep. She also really likes to wake me up around 4:00 every morning with her gymnastics routine. Hopefully that won't continue after she's born!