Thursday, October 1, 2009

Open House

We had Claire's school open house tonight. It was the first time Jason had been up there, and Claire was very excited about showing Daddy around. She showed him the playground and the gym, and then took him all over the classroom telling him what she did at each center. We met some of the other parents in the class and Claire introduced us to one of her new friends, Taylor. We also got to see some of the work she'd been doing, and we both agreed she's the smartest one there. (Not that we're biased or anything.) We knew she was particular about certain things, as most 3 (!) year olds are, but we had no idea how much of a perfectionist she is. The pumpkin she decorated today is absolutely straight and symmetric, and the yarn hair on her "self portrait" was put exactly where it should be. Miss Amanda even made a point of telling us Claire did all of this by herself and how impressed she is by what she can do. Yay Claire!


Kellie said...

I agree, I am certain Claire is the smartest one there! Just dont tell the other kids parents, they have a hard time accepting theirs aren't. he he he he.
I am so excited for her and her new school. Mrs. Kama wants to see some pictures of her. She misses Claire :(