Friday, December 11, 2009

Doing Great!

Just wanted to check in from the hospital and let you all know we're doing great! (I'm a bit sleepy, though, so please pardon the random subject changes in this rambling paragraph.) We finally got up to a postpartum room about 9 last night, where J's parents and grandparents were waiting with a Double Dave's treat for a very hungry mommy and daddy. After all the necessary checking and assessing from the nurses, everybody went to sleep about midnight and had a fairly good night. Madeleine's already a nursing pro, so that's helping to make things a lot easier, but she's having a bit of an issue keeping her body temperature up and had to spend a couple of hours under the heat lamp early this morning. I got the go-ahead from my doctor to go home today, but we're still waiting to see the pediatrician to know what he thinks. I'm guessing we'll end up staying here for another night, though. I'm finding so much more enjoyment this time around compared with Claire's delivery, when I was a neurotic first-time mom. And the fact that Madeleine is so laid-back is definitely helping things. Hopefully this little personality continues! She's also a huge daddy's girl. She knows his voice and searches the room whenever she hears it. He can't say anything while she's eating, or she'll unlatch and spend her time looking for her daddy instead of nursing. It's really so, so sweet!!!


Kellie said...

I am so happy you all are doing great! She is soooo beautiful Katherine. She looks like Claire for sure.
She already knows how to work daddy too it sounds like. Another smart one ! :) I can not wait to see her and give her lots of love and kisses.

Reese&Saige said...

How sweet about her searching for her daddy. I love it! Congrats again!

simpsontwins said...

As if Jason needed another fan! Love and hugs to all four of you!