Friday, February 19, 2010

Day Trip with Daddy

Daddy had Monday off (yay federal employee!) this week, so we loaded the girls up for a drive to Guadalupe State Park, about 45 minutes north of us. The weather was beautiful, but COLD. We took a picnic and had planned on enjoying a nice lunch, playing on the playground, and hiking along the river, but once we got there and felt the wind blowing, our plans changed. Claire played for about ten minutes before deciding the metal slide was just a little bit too uncomfortable, so we unloaded the food and found a table as much out of the wind as possible. None of us wanted to sit on the metal benches, so we stood around, gobbled up the food, watched the most impatient fisherman ever, and booked it back to the car. When we got home C started saying she wasn't feeling well, and by bedtime was running a fever. And now she's been home sick all week! We went to the doctor this morning and learned that she has an ear infection and possibly the early stages of pink eye and croup. I know being out in the wind didn't cause this bug, but it certainly isn't helping my mommy guilt!


Kellie said...

OH NO! we have the same stuff going on over here! Boooo for sickies.