Today is Madeleine's 2-month birthday! It's so hard to believe she's already this old. Time is flying by so fast!
Here's what M's been up to lately:
Growing! According to the Wii, she's just about 11 pounds. (Yes, she has a Mii, and it's hilarious.) We'll go to the doctor tomorrow for an official weight and percentiles. (And shots...) Newborn-sized clothes are too small for her now, and with her length, I won't be surprised if she's out of 0-3 sometime soon. She's also in a size 1 diaper, and the cutest little fat rolls on her thighs.Diaper rash! We've been battling a monster diaper rash for the last couple of weeks. I'm doing everything I know to do, using every product I know to use (even one from Europe), but it's still there. Anyone have any ideas on this?
Smiling! M's a super smiler in the mornings and during diaper changes (which doesn't make sense with the rash), but she definitely makes you work for it.
Cooing! (Well, some.) The grunting is just about all gone, except for very early in the morning. She's working on figuring out how to coo and is getting better at it every day.
Colic! We avoided this with Claire, but M's proving to be more difficult. Just about every night at 9PM, she starts crying. And crying. And crying. I've figured out that fast rocking in the rocking chair, with the hair dryer on high, does the trick. If I can get her to sleep for about 15 or 20 min, she'll wake up happy. Or at least not crying. It's been rough, nonetheless.
Sleeping! She's sleeping for longer and longer stretches at night, and mostly in her own bed now. Just this last week she started sleeping from 10:30 or 11 until 3:30 or 4, which is so nice for Mommy! She also has a nice awake time every morning and afternoon, with a long nap in between, as long as Big Sister's schedule doesn't get in the way.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Madeleine is Two Months Old!
Posted by J,K&C at 9:15 AM
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Oh no , I am so sorry she has coilc :( How stressful. I hope she outgrows it quickly.
She is soooooooo adorable . I already miss her tons! Guess I have to come visit and give her lots of loves! :)
Shes so sweet!
Reese had colic and there was nothing that helped. It was yucky. :( Good news is that by 4 months or so its gone
Zachary had bad diaper rash, too!! A massive, thick layer of Desitin was the only "cure"... Turns out that Z's bad diaper rash was a lovely precursor to full-body eczema, so hopefully you won't have to deal with that, too! Blech. Silly 2nd borns!!!
Those pictures are sooooo cute, btw!!! You must be so proud of your gorgeous girls!!!
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