Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Melting my heart

The girls have recently discovered that the other one can be a good play partner. While Claire was playing outside yesterday, I put Madeleine's bouncy out there so she could watch Big Sister and get some fresh air while I did some kitchen clean up. It wasn't long before C started including M in her pretend play. C was pretending the little portion of the patio was M's house and she needed to go visit her. She'd get in her roller coaster car and drive all over the backyard visiting her "friends", including M. It was so sweet!

And just tonight, M started giggling at C! Claire was doing her I'm-out-of-the-tub-and-feeling-wild dance, and something about it must have been funny to a 3-month old. M's always liked watching Big Sister best of all, and I'm even having issues now trying to nurse her while she's playing in the same room, but something about tonight tickled her funny bone. This was the first time I've actually heard a real laugh from Madeleine. Oh, how I love those baby belly laughs!!!


Reese&Saige said...

So sweet!! It just gets better too!

Erica said...

So cute and fun!!!

I have to sneak away and nurse Sam far, far away from his big sister. :) She is just way too fun and he can't concentrate!

Kellie said...

Awwww isnt this the best! I remember thinking ohhh wait maybe I didn't ruin Nathan's life by having Nolan! ha ha ha ha. I had major mom guilt after Nolan was born.
I can not believe how big Madeline is getting! SHe will be talking to Claire soon :)