Thursday, June 24, 2010


We started Madeleine on solid food a couple of weeks ago, and so far it's been a hit. Just like with Claire, we started with avocado. But, completely opposite of Claire, Madeleine really wasn't impressed. She barely touched the stuff, and when she did get a piece in her mouth she gave us a horrible look. She's becoming much more adept at sitting in her high chair with us at the table and feeding herself dinner. It's so nice to have our full family of four enjoying a meal together!

Here are some pictures of the first avocado:

And look at how well she can hold a banana:

Foods she's eaten so far:
Apricots (a favorite)
Graham crackers (another favorite)
Cooked carrots
Cream Cheese (a super favorite--She either licks it off a spoon or sucks it off of toast strips)
Cheddar cheese
Peaches (She ate an entire peach the other night. I halved it and she sucked the meat right off the skin)