I absolutely cannot believe that six months ago today I was in the hospital, getting ready to deliver Madeleine. Time has gone by so quickly, and I couldn't have imagined then how amazing it has been watching her join our family.
One word comes to mind to describe this last month: CHANGE. Miss Moo started sitting, took her first airplane ride, ate her first solid food, and has figured out how to move during the last 30 days. Slow down!!!!
Madeleine is growing even faster than she has been. She started the month wearing 3-6 clothes, but scooted right by size 6 months, and is now fitting nicely into 9 month! Yikes! We'll go to the doctor next week for an official weight, but I'm guessing she's at least 16 pounds. (By way of comparison, Claire was only 18 pounds at 12 months.....) She's also in a size 3 diaper.She is talking constantly, and has figured out different inflections depending on her mood. She giggles all the time at Big Sister, especially if she's jumping around or waving things in the air. Madeleine has also figured out that the drop-my-toy-and-make-it-bang-on-the-floor game can be quite hilarious. Claire does not agree.
Moo is sitting by herself most of the time, but is working out the balance issue. She's definitely getting there, but I don't feel comfortable leaving her sitting by herself on the floor yet.
Moving has been a top priority for Moodle. (I honestly can't tell you how these nicknames came to be.) She can roll where she wants to, which usually results in a leg stuck between the crib slats during the night. She's also inch worming and can slowly get to where she wants to go. And if she's on a soft surface, she'll push her tummy off the floor and start rocking. I'm definitely not ready for the crawling that appears to be coming soon. Here's some inching:
Madeleine took her first-ever plane ride this past weekend. Mommy and the girls took a short flight up to Dallas for Cousin Ben's high school graduation in Oklahoma. Everybody did great!
Miss Magoodle (ridiculous, I know) has slowly started her journey into solid food. She's tried avocado, accompanied with a horrible face that says, "You really want me to put that in my mouth?" The banana she tried this morning was much more agreeable, and she even took bites!
Whew, what a month it has been! Can't wait to see what excitement is in store for June!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Madeleine is Six Months Old!
Posted by J,K&C at 9:47 AM
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Love the cute names!!!! Over here we have Bubby, Super Sam and Sammy Sam. heheee. I'd love to meet this sweet girl some day!
I think we're coming to town the last week of June??? :)
I'd love to meet Super Sam, too!!!
So sweet!! Happy 6 months
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