Thursday, September 30, 2010

9-Month Stats

Madeleine had her 9-month well baby check yesterday, and we learned some surprising news--she's tall and, huh?, skinny!

Weight: up 2.5 pounds from the 6 month visit to 18 lbs, 8 oz: 36%
Height: up 3.25 inches to 29.25 inches: 90%

It really shows how tiny Claire actually was if we consider the 36th percentile to be chunky! haha

It was a good thing we had a doctor's appointment already scheduled for yesterday, because she developed a rash and a fever on Tuesday afternoon. It turns out she has a mild case of hand, foot, and mouth disease. Luckily, the blisters are staying out of her mouth, and she's feeling like herself today. I just hope Claire doesn't catch it!

No shots for Moo this time, but Big Sister has her big, bad 4-year appointment tomorrow...gulp...


Reese&Saige said...

When Reese had her 4 yr check I told her several times ahead that she would get shots and it would be a tiny pinch and then be over. I had to help hold her down and she was a little scared-face turned red and said mommy mommy but didn't shed one tear! I don't know if preparing her first or the bribe of ice cream worked but either way it wasn't too bad. Hoping that Claire's is the same.

And that M feels better