Friday, September 10, 2010

Madeleine is Nine Months Old!

Happy nine-month birthday, Miss Moo! You are getting to be such a big girl!

You are growing and growing. You are still in size 3 diapers, but now up to 9- or 12- month clothes. And I know why--you love to eat! Rotisserie chicken is your absolute favorite food, but there might be a replacement for that title; you tried carnitas for the first time last night and loved it! You polished off 2 tray-fulls, plus some tortilla. You are usually the last one eating at the dinner table, and we usually have to decide for you that you're finished.

Mobility has been top on your to-do list this month. Crawling is second nature now, so you're ready for the next challenge--standing. You pull up on everything, and are now starting to try to just stand up on your own. You've let go of things a few times and balanced a few seconds on your feet. You're also starting to take little steps while pushing things, and you've mastered going up stairs. Nothing is safe anymore!

Communication is also becoming more meaningful this month. You seem to have 3 "words": bababa is what you say when you're playing or happy; num-num is eating or food; and mamama is your "I'm about to get unhappy" warning. You also know how to wave hello and good bye.

You also took your longest road trip so far this month. You did an amazing job of riding so nicely for 20+ hours in the car while we drove up to visit Great! Grandma and Grandpa in Stillwater. And you're not finished traveling--today you flew on two airplanes heading up to Ohio.

Happy 9-months, Magoodle!