Friday, January 7, 2011

Moo's Stats

I finally got Moodle in for her 12-month well check today. She's doing great overall, but has slowed down big time in the growing department. She only grew half an inch and nothing in weight. The doctor isn't concerned, though - she had a huge jump in her height at the last appointment, so she thinks the nurse just measured wrong last time. And, because of the HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD tummy bug we suffered with last week, the lack of weight gain can be explained. We'll just hope for some big gains before her 15-month check, which will (sadly) be at a new doctor in Dayton.

Her stats are:
Height: 29.75" (59th percentile)
Weight: 18 lbs, 11 oz (9th percentile)
Head Circumference: 45.6 cm