Monday, February 14, 2011

The last few weeks in review

After a long time coming, we're finally settling ourselves in for our new adventure in Ohio. J and Grandpa drove up with the pets and a 22-foot Penske a couple of weeks ago, and Grandma helped me fly up last Sunday with the girls. I am so thankful we did not have to drive. The horrible ice storm threatened them the entire way, and they pulled into Dayton just as the worst was coming. And combining that with the incessant screaming of a car-sick cat would have certainly put me over the edge. The boys worked on "little" projects around the house the rest of week, including one involving the building of a second floor to the garage accessible only by dumb waiter. You should see J get down from up there.....

When we flew in we were greeted by freezing temperatures and a layer of snow on everything. Claire was ecstatic. It was too late to go out and play that night, but she did quickly the next day when it was actually snowing.

(Yes, Mom, those are the butterfly pants....)

The novelty quickly wore off, especially when lows dipped to zero by midweek. We had a team of movers and 2 trucks show up early Tuesday morning to unload our stuff, and a new team show up for part of the day Wednesday to unpack our things. I was leery of that at first, but I'm so glad we had them come. They finished in 4 hours what it would have taken us 4 weeks to do. We spent the rest of the week organizing and checking out our new town.

Grandma and Grandpa flew back to SA on Saturday, and we spent the majority of Sunday at home, trying to put things away and organize more. The temperature got up to 55 yesterday, and the snow is starting to melt!

Today is J's first day back to work, and I'm planning to check out the Kroger. Let the fun begin!