Friday, February 4, 2011


First of all, I would like to thank Texas for scooting to the front of the line and giving the girls their first real taste of snow before Ohio steals all the glory.

We were up early, hoping to see snow....and we did! Claire didn't know what to think when we first looked out. She thought someone had painted the ground.

Once snow was confirmed, however, she wasted no time in throwing on her jacket,

doing a little snow dance with her sister,

and heading outside.

She stayed out a grand total of about 3 seconds. Turns out snow is cold. And wet.

When Honey came downstairs, the party continued. Moo put on her bear coat,

and C put on shoes. Now they were ready! While Madeleine didn't really care for the cold, Claire loved it. She's gone in and out all morning having a great time. Yay for snow!!!