Thursday, September 4, 2008

Claire's Second Day of School!!

(I promise I won't recount everyday of her educational career.....)

Claire had a rougher time of it today. She was happy to get there and start playing, but then went downhill. The theme this month is "My Family", which is nice, except for the fact that just saying the word "mommy" or "daddy" when that person isn't in the immediate area causes tears for her. She was fine when I picked her up, though, and says she had fun and wants to go back, so that's a relief to hear. And in other news, we're now officially private school parents--we already have our first mandatory fundraising event....Anybody want to buy a raffle ticket for 5 bucks?? You could win a $4000 "vacation package" (hmmm) or a laptop!!! Anybody? Anybody???? :)


Erica said...

LOL. We have a magazine fundraiser now at Emmy's school! :)

Anonymous said...

Put Aunt Jamey & Jeff down for 2 :) We'll see y'all soon, hopefully!

J,K&C said...

Thanks, Jamey!!