Friday, April 17, 2009


We had a nice, relaxing Easter at home this year. We headed to church Sunday morning with our backpack full of activities to keep Claire (hopefully) busy. And by some Easter miracle, it worked! She worked diligently on her puzzles, read a few books, and then FELL ASLEEP!!!! We came back to our house afterward and had our Easter "dinner" here. The Easter bunny (AKA Grandma and Grandpa) brought Claire a great sandbox for the backyard, and we spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the beautiful weather on the patio while she played.

"Oh WOW!!"

Clothes changed, ready to play!

Building a tower with Aunt Jamey

Every time she opened an egg, she would exclaim with absolute astonishment,
"(gasp) Candy!!?"

Enjoying the afternoon with a glass of wine and Easter eggs.


Kellie said...

Claire is getting so big! Mrs Kama was asking about her the other day. She misses her lots. :(
I told her I would bring her some pictures. She wont believe how tall she has gotten.

Reese&Saige said...

Wine and easter eggs! What more could one ask for :)