Friday, June 19, 2009

Some baby updates

We got our results in from all the testing that was done over the last couple of weeks. Luckily, the Downs and Trisomy 18 screen came back completely normal, so that's a nice relief. Not so luckily, though, was the gestational diabetes screen. I had it with Claire, so my doctor wanted me to get tested earlier than usual this time around. And, sure enough, my sugars were too high. The kicker is, though, that of the 4 separate blood tests, I was only high on 1 of the them. And I was only high by 1 point. When we found out I had it with Claire, I was really scared and didn't know much, but this time, it doesn't really faze me. I see it as a pretty good excuse to have lots of ultrasounds. And the best part is that we'll probably most definitely induce 2 weeks early. So that means I'm down to only 24 1/2 more weeks! (But who's counting?) I have 2 more doctor's appointments next week where we'll hopefully be scheduling our big girl/boy ultrasound!


Kellie said...

yay!!! That means that he or she will be here for Christmas!!! What a smart baby you have in there. :)