Claire has discovered the joy of Christmas carols! She requests her special "Santa mugit" (that's music) every time we get in the car now. Her favorite songs are "Rudolph" and "The 12 Days of Christmas" (or, "that ring song"). She's having a bit of a problem getting the words right, though. Everything questionable seems to sound like "dog" to her. For example, did you know that the true love actually brings two turtle dogs? She's also somehow added the furry animal into "Oh, Christmas Tree", although I still can't quite figure out how. And she came up with a new carol last night while she was lying in bed--who knew it was Frosty the Snowman's birthday?
C's also gotten serious with the dancing. She performs all sorts of dance routines to any sort of music that happens to be playing, including the various rings on Daddy's phone. Her favorite ballerina song, though, is "Twinkle, Twinkle" from our Wiggles DVD. And for the last 2 straight days she's insisted on wearing her special ballerina princess dress from Nathan. She even went to HEB in it yesterday, complete with a fuzzy purple crown on her head, pink purse, and wand. Unfortunately, while she was taking pictures of our Christmas tree the other day, she dropped our camera and now it won't turn on, so I have no pictures of the cuteness. Hopefully she'll still be in the mood to perform once we have the new one.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Singing and Dancing
Posted by J,K&C at 11:15 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Making Progress and a Clue!
We've been in a flurry of activity over here getting ready for the baby. It's really amazing how last minute we are with this one, compared to Claire. Everything was finished for her months before she actually arrived, and this time I'll be happy if the furniture gets here in time. We spent all day Sunday cooking freezer meals with Grandma, so I feel a lot better about that part of things, at least. We filled up our deep freezer with everything from mac and cheese to split pea soup. I also finally went through all of Claire's old clothes and did about 8 loads of laundry to get that together. I had forgotten how many clothes she had in the beginning, and how many outfit changes were necessary in a day. Thank goodness for Spray and Wash! And today C and I went shopping to find some sort of cuddly outfit she can wear to all the Christmas gatherings, and maybe even wear home from the hospital:
I think it looks awfully comfortable, and hopefully it will fit! And stay white for at least long enough for a picture!
And here's your next clue.....The name we've chosen is a traditional name, spelled the traditional way--which is NOT the way most people spell it. The poor child's going to have a heck of a time correcting people when they can't spell her first or last name right.
Posted by J,K&C at 3:00 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Go Aunt Lou!
Aunt Lou and her friend Meghan ran the San Antonio Half Marathon on Sunday, and we went down to cheer them on. Claire had a blast cheering for all the runners and holding up the sign Meghan made. Lauren and I ran it last year, and I think I much prefer watching to participating. But, I've set a goal for myself to run it next year. We'll see.....

Posted by J,K&C at 7:06 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
Well there go my plans for a pre-delivery pedicure
For the next 6 weeks or so, this is what I'll be wearing: (these aren't my legs :) )I have a broken foot. Yay. And the stupid thing is that I can't even tell you when it happened or what I did. I just noticed one day about a month ago that my foot really hurt and it was swollen. It kept getting worse, and my OB told me last week she thought I should go to an orthopedist to get it checked. And, sure enough, it's broken. Luckily, I get to take the boot off when I'm sleeping, showering, or driving. Or delivering a baby.
Posted by J,K&C at 9:54 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
One month to go!
I had another growth ultrasound today, and Baby Girl is still growing right on target. I'm 34 weeks, 4 days, and that's exactly what she's measuring. She's weighing in at 5 pounds, 1 ounce, which is the 36th percentile. (I find it interesting that even though she's measuring exactly right for dates, she's still small on the charts?) My doctor's estimating that she'll be 6 1/2 or 7 lbs by the time she's born, so it looks like we'll get to avoid preemie clothes and diapers this time around. Everything is looking great, and I'm hoping the next 4 weeks fly by. We have our induction date scheduled for December 10, so you only have a month to go before learning her name. I will give you a hint, though....her first name is 9 letters long.....hmmm.....(Sorry to some of you who already knew that much. I'll give out another hint at some point.)
Posted by J,K&C at 10:56 AM 5 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
3-Year Stats
I finally got C in for her 3-year check up today--the practice has evidently been swamped with swine flu. This is a new doctor, and we finally found someone who isn't worried about C being little! She's up to 26.4 lbs and 36.25 inches. Her weight's gone up to the 5th percentile after hanging off the chart for awhile, and her height is holding steady at the 25th percentile. The doctor said if she stays on this curve she'll be 5'5 and 102 lbs when she graduates from high school. Looks like she got lucky and has Aunt Jamey's genes! Everything else went well, and she only needed a flu shot today. She absolutely hated that and cried and cried--as I was putting her shoes on her, as we walked out, as we got in the car; she was even crying in her sleep on the way home! Poor thing.
Posted by J,K&C at 1:47 PM 0 comments