Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Making Progress and a Clue!

We've been in a flurry of activity over here getting ready for the baby. It's really amazing how last minute we are with this one, compared to Claire. Everything was finished for her months before she actually arrived, and this time I'll be happy if the furniture gets here in time. We spent all day Sunday cooking freezer meals with Grandma, so I feel a lot better about that part of things, at least. We filled up our deep freezer with everything from mac and cheese to split pea soup. I also finally went through all of Claire's old clothes and did about 8 loads of laundry to get that together. I had forgotten how many clothes she had in the beginning, and how many outfit changes were necessary in a day. Thank goodness for Spray and Wash! And today C and I went shopping to find some sort of cuddly outfit she can wear to all the Christmas gatherings, and maybe even wear home from the hospital:

I think it looks awfully comfortable, and hopefully it will fit! And stay white for at least long enough for a picture!

And here's your next clue.....The name we've chosen is a traditional name, spelled the traditional way--which is NOT the way most people spell it. The poor child's going to have a heck of a time correcting people when they can't spell her first or last name right.


Lauren McCarthy said...

I'm still convinced it's Laurenina.

Lauren McCarthy said...

I just googled "nine letter girl names" and I have the following guesses:

1. Elizabeth (Elisabeth?)
2. Jacquline (four spellings)
3. or my personal favorite, Bettyjane (commonly misspelled to be Bettijane. Fools.)

Kellie said...

Ohhhhh I love the outfit!
Okay so if we get the name right will you tell us? :) Does Lauren have it?????? Is it Elizabeth? Oh geez you are killing me with this secret name!!!!!

Erica said...

OH!!!! I think Lauren is right! I vote Elisabeth!!!!! :) :) Which I LOOOOOVE.