Thursday, November 5, 2009

3-Year Stats

I finally got C in for her 3-year check up today--the practice has evidently been swamped with swine flu. This is a new doctor, and we finally found someone who isn't worried about C being little! She's up to 26.4 lbs and 36.25 inches. Her weight's gone up to the 5th percentile after hanging off the chart for awhile, and her height is holding steady at the 25th percentile. The doctor said if she stays on this curve she'll be 5'5 and 102 lbs when she graduates from high school. Looks like she got lucky and has Aunt Jamey's genes! Everything else went well, and she only needed a flu shot today. She absolutely hated that and cried and cried--as I was putting her shoes on her, as we walked out, as we got in the car; she was even crying in her sleep on the way home! Poor thing.